Over 25 years later, the Pokémon franchise now boasts over eight generations of titles with the announcement of Gen 9's Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, which is set to launch in Fall 2022. Related: How Voice Acting Would Help (And Hurt) Pokémon GamesĪlthough Pokémon would make its debut on Nintendo's original Game Boy handheld, the Game Freak series would also transition over to the system's sequel console the Game Boy Advance in 2003.
The Johto region RPG was even more ambitious, adding an additional 100 Pokémon species for fans of the new series to catch and add to their growing Pokédex. Just a few years later players were treated to the series' first sequel Pokémon Gold and Silver. The Pokémon series quickly became a cultural phenomenon a year after its launch and further exploded in popularity with the release of TCG Pokémon cards and the Pokémon anime.